Shanna Geezy

Just another confused little American girl… Rambling my way through the thoughts and the days.

Love, love, love, love CrAzY love… May 15, 2011

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I am so excited to be marrying my Mr. Romanbowubbleard. He is everything I have ever wanted. We spent our Saturday night cleaning and “being old” and as I sit and listen to the sound of the rain and him and my darling puppy sleeping I know that I want this.. I want him for the rest of my life. Every mistake, every right, every left turn, green light and everything in between have led me to this wonderful man who is not perfect but is absolutely perfect for me. Mr. Romanbowubbleard you are everything I have ever wanted. Thank you for choosing me, thank you for putting up with me and thank you for loving me and Havana (your fur baby). You are my everything. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.